Tuesday, March 13, 2018

अलबिदा डा. काका

I am a very small creature of this world
And I am here temporarily, happened to be a neurosurgeon.
Dr. Bal Krishna Thapa

खै कता अनि कहाँ बाट सुरु गरूँ, आफै-आफैमा निकै प्रस्नहरु भरिएर आएका छन्। लाग्छ हिजोको त्यो कालो दिन (हुन त अरुका निमित्त यो नहुन पनि सक्छ)

परिबेस राम्रो अनि नजिकको भएर हैन गाउमा नचिन्ने बिरलै हुन्छन उसमा पनि सानोमा बिद्यालय जाँदा सबभन्दा पुछारको घर उसमा पनि ति बृद्-बुडा बा-आमा जसले बाटो हिड्ने बटुकलाइ त बास बस भन्ने सल्लादिनुहुन्थ्यो, अनि उहाहरुलाई मैले नचिन्ने कुरै हुदैन। उसैमा पनि म हाम्रा जजमान अनि त आफु परे साना बाजे (अन्यथा नासोचिदिनु होला) अनि सधैँ उही आगन हुँदै बिद्यालय जान्थे म, बाटोमा कयौ पटक ए साना बाजे लडीएला है भनेको सुन्थ्ये। मिठास बोलिका धनि उसमा पनि ति बुडा बा-आमाको अगाडी बसेपछि नहाँसी घर फर्किने मान्छे कमै होलान। उनै बा-आमाका जेष्ठ पुत्र डा.बालकृष्ण थापा, सरल अनि सान्त स्वोभाबका धनि, उहालाई नचिन्ने कमै होलान त्यो भेगका मानिसहरु, घर-घरमा उहाको चर्चा सुनिन्थ्यो, सुन्निन्छ र सुनिनेछ।

म सानो छदा मलाई याद छ मेरा बा-आमाले कयौ पल्ट उहाको उदाहरण दिनुहुन्थ्यो। उसो त उहालाई बुझ्ने भएपछिको भेटघाट भनेको साहेद ७-८ कक्ष्यामा पद्दाको बेला हुनुपर्छ, उतिबेला होन्डाको CDR-१०० चडेर आउनुहुन्थ्यो। दसैं-तिहारमा भेट्न उहाको घरमा निकै भिड नै लाग्दथ्यो, भन्नेहरु भन्थ्ये आज डा. साव आउंदै हुनुहुन्छ, अनि उहाको घरमा कुरेर बस्नेहरुको भिड देखिन्थ्यो माथि डाडाबाट। यो पछि भेट निकै बाक्लो थियो प्राय सधै सल्लाहको निमित्त म लगायत तेस क्षेत्रका म जस्ता कयौ युवाहरु उहाकोमा जान्थेउ। अव उहाँसंगको भेट, यो निस्ठुरी दैबले अगिल्लो नेपाल बसाइको भेटघाटमा मात्र सिमित गरिदियो।   

पार पाई नसक्नुको यस अद्भूत संसारमा चमत्कार होला र डा. काका जिवितै रहेको समाचार सुन्न पाइएला भनी भगवानसँग प्रार्थना गरिरहेको छु, र अन्त्यमा निराश हुँदै सोच्न वाध्य भएको छु, असल र राम्रालाई मुलुकको प्रणालीले नै ध्वस्त बनाउने र अकल्पनीय दूर्घटनाबाट असमयमै जीवनलीला समाप्त पार्नु परेपछि के मुलुकमा महाकवि लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटाले परिकल्पना गर्नु भए झै सुनको बिहान उदाउला? के युगयुगान्तर सम्म पनि लागी रहन्छ राम्रो मान्छेको भलो नहोस् भन्ने सतीको श्राप? हजुरले यति छिट्टै छाडेर जानुहोला भनेर कल्पनासम्म पनि गरेको थिइन्। बेलाबेलामा गर्नुभएका म्यासेजहरु हेरे आँखा रसाए। यो देशका लागि नै अपूरणीय क्षति भएको छ। तपाई भनेर कुरीरहेका बिरामीहरुले अब के गर्ने? प्रगतिशिल राजनीतिक चेतनाका कारण बरिष्ठ न्यूरो सर्जन भएर पनि तपाई भित्र कत्ति अभिमान थिएन। निर्दयी समय, आइतवार नै नेपाल पठाउनुपर्ने उनलाई किन सोमवार पठाएको?

"भाकाभूलदयाक्षमा र ममतासन्तोष जान्दैन त्यो,
इन्द्रै बिन्ति गरुन् झुकेर पदमा त्यो बिन्ति मान्दैन त्यो,
थुप्रोमा उधिनी मिठो र नमिठो रोजेर छान्दैन त्यो,
खाता जाँची सबै दुरुस्त नबुझी बिर्सेर हान्दैन त्यो।१।
राजा रङ्क सबै समान उसका वैषम्य र्दैन त्यो,
आयो टप्प टिप्योलग्योमिति पुग्यो टारेर र्टर्दैन त्यो,

धन्य छ हाम्रो देशको विपद-जोखिम न्यूनीकरणको अभ्यास अनि यो संग संबन्दित व्यक्तित्वहरुलाई। बिकाश थापाको लेख बाट “आजको प्लेन crash को घटनाले म सार्है मर्माहित भए। घटना को कारण भन्दा पनि यस्ता घटना भाईसकेपछीको तयारी (Emergency response plan or post accident preparedness), त्यो अझै पनि नेपालमा अत्यन्त कम्जोर रहेकोले धेरैले ज्यान गुमाउन पर्‍यो। यो घटनाको दोशी धेरै होलान्, तर यस्मध्य हामी स्वयम नेपालीपनि यो घटनाको दोशी हौ। नाताबाद र कृपाबाद को पूजारी गर्ने unqualified कर्मचारी देखी, दम्कल, एन्म्बुलेंस जस्ता अत्ती आवश्यक सवारि साधनलाई नि बाटो नपुग्ने गरी बाटो मिचेर घर बनाउने अनी घटना स्थलमा पुगेपछी घाइतेलाई उद्दार गर्नुको साटो मोबाईलमा भिडियो खिचेर बस्ने देशका सुरक्षा निकायका कर्मचारी भनौदाहरु अनि अरु धेरै। देशको एउटै मात्र अन्तरस्ट्रिय बिमान्स्थल भएरपनी एस्तो ठुलो घटनाको हुनसक्छ भनेर एस प्रकारको Early Emergency Handling Technology नल्याउने लाचार प्रसासन। हामी जस्ता युवाहरुले Please Visit Nepal आफ्नो देश को प्रसंसा गर्दै अरुलाई नेपाल जान आग्रह गरेको अनी नेपाली संस्कृति देखाएर अलिकती भएनी देशलाई अरु सामु चिनाउनुको कुनै अर्थै रहेन। जय नेपाल।“

सबैको मन मुटुमा बस्न सफल डा. काका आज हाम्रो सामु रहनु भएन तर तपाईका सब्द यी कान अनि मन-मस्तिस्कमा सधैं ताजा रहिरहने छ, बाँचुञ्जेल। अलबिदा डा. काका, हजारौंको जीवन रक्षा गर्नुहुने तपाई तर तपाइको जीवन रक्षा कसैले गर्न सकेन।
हामी आज सारै दुःखी छौ काका हजुर जहाँ भएपनी हजुरको आत्माले शान्ती पओस! हार्दिक श्रदान्जली!

Monday, May 1, 2017

A hope

Every end begins a new story.
The driving force behind is hope that exists and compelled as the immortal things.
A hope of getting things done for the next day before we got asleep.
As the sun goes down and it comes back up the next morning.
The next day and plan for the day ultimately are the fortune of hope.
An individual is responsible for the right thing at the right place.
Everything that we perform reflects the past plan.

What do you do when a chapter ends?
If we start a question from here, most of us have a different answer.
The uniformity is not a mandatory and does not need to be at all.
For me, If I finish a chapter I used to close the topic after I get it done purposefully.
I never used to turn it over and revise it.
By the time I have learned about going back to the pages to concretise the things.
How many of we close the book and never read it again?
I think most of us have a habit of reading a book for the exam.
If it influences us, we will be talking about it again and again.
The fact is that we can be who we were or who we will become.
Sometimes, the whole story goes wrong and could be falling from the edges.

It is better to march with the time and begin something new, that would lead us to our destiny.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Shivaratri among Nepalese people

The supreme god, lord #Shiva is worshipped on this day in
 Nepal and one of the great festival of Hindu.
Which falls on the month of the Falgun (February )
according to Nepali calendar. Falgun-23 on this day,
 people will gather in their communities and put
on the fires 🔥. Where they will prepare foods
especially #Ghotta (food that is cooked on milk) which consists of marijuana.
These days scientists considered it as highly efficient for medical perspectives.

Happy Shivaratri! to all, please be safe and celebrate it with its harmoniousness.

Below is the link, which describes about lord #Shiva (Hara hara Mahadev)

Om nama Shivaya 🙏


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hello! :) :) Wake me up :) :)

Here I would be only focusing on two songs that I heard last night by Evanescence and by Adele on the same titled "Hello". Since both of these songs have different lyrics but the mean was to call someone so far.  Please, find the link is attached herewith and listen to it. Hope you will enjoy the song.
Hello in an ordinary conditional word and is used for greeting anyone around the world.

Playground school bell rings again
Rain clouds come to play again
Has no one told you she's not breathing?
Hello, I am your mind giving you someone to talk to

If I smile and don't believe
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream
Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken
Hello, I am the lie living for you so you can hide
Don't cry

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping
Hello, I'm still here
All that's left of yesterday


Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing

Hello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet

There's such a difference between us
And a million miles

Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Hello, how are you?
It's so typical of me to talk about myself. I'm sorry
I hope that you're well
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened?

And it's no secret that the both of us
Are running out of time

So hello from the other side (other side)
I must have called a thousand times (thousand times)
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside (outside)
At least I can say that I've tried (I've tried)
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Hello from the other side (other side)
I must have called a thousand times (thousand times)
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside (outside)
At least I can say that I've tried (I've tried)
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Ranas of Nepal

Actually, when we are talking about sustainable development every infrastructure of development works were initiated during their regime.Though it was decades ago we are still in the same phase where we were not supposed to be. They were the pioneer of the development model in Nepal though Every cloud has a silver lining. Love them or hate them, but you can't ignore them they were the history of Nepal.

The legacy of Rana rule remains everywhere.

Dynasty- Nepali Times http://www3.clustrmaps.com/counter/maps.php?url

Disaster 2015-2016

The word disaster is derived from Middle French word désastre and that from Old Italian disastro, which consists of two words from ancient Greek word dus- "bad" and aster- “star”. The root of the word disaster ("bad star" in Greek) comes from an astrological sense of a calamity blamed on the position of planets. when the planet is at wrong position in terms of astrology that could lead to a disaster.
Earthquake is considered as one of the fatalities and frequent natural disaster.An earthquake is a sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of volcanic action or movements deep within the earth’s crust.An individuals, community, stake holders involved in the response to a major disaster needs to stand together to learn from their mistakes and successes so that they might be better prepared for the next emergency.
The year 2015, The Ebola crisis in West Africa, the Gorkha Nepal earthquake, the conflict in Syria, floods in Germany, hurricane sandy in the United States, drought affects in Ethiopia, Typhoon komen inundate Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, and the heat wave in India are very different in crises though shared most common feature i.e. loss of lives, destruction of homes, deterioration of property and heritage.2015, the fault zone of the Eurasian plate along with the Indian plate (Nepal), October 25 Hindu kush earthquake (Afganistan), has been into the fire with the number of casualties.Mostly the south Asian region along with the 8.3Mw chile earthquake was the most dreadful disaster in the world.
Early in 2016, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan most of the East Asian countries were suffered from the earthquake as well as Equador was hit by 7.8 magnitude earthquake.The difference between South Asian region and East Asian region is that southern region would not be affected by the tsunamis with the earthquake induced. Kumamoto is the recent earthquake with a moment magnitude 7.3, after 1989 6.3Mw in this area.

I remember the kind response and support of Japanese people during the last year in Nepal earthquake. Friends never get detached when one needs the other deed for well-being without the presence of third Eye. A million prayers for Japan at this difficult time.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

My Dream

Each of us has a dream which might be different in an individual. It is our vision. A dream is what guides you towards the future. I believe that having a great dream, is a must to us. And I have a big dream. Next year, I will be graduating, my masters.  It is very necessary for us to have a sound education. This is our future.    
               My dream is to be an expert Geotech engineer and it is not simple at all. But I know I can achieve it. I feel like this is my destiny for which I came to this world.  I do not know when or how I am going to achieve this. But it will not be easy. I am constantly studying right now. I cannot give up even if I fail. There is a saying that failure is the greatest teacher. I know in order to pursue my dream, I will face failure. This cannot be stopped. Even Albert Einstein and Sir Isaacs Newton faced failure when they are trying to create a great formula which has been the pioneer in physics.  
               I got influence when I had talked with my professor. He is an expert in his field.  To me, being an expert facing loads of question and answering those in a simple manner is the most. Geotechnical engineering is a civil engineering discipline concerned with building on, in, or with soil and rock.
           Geotechnical engineers design dams, embankments, cuts, foundations, retaining walls, anchors, tunnels, and all other structures directly interacting with the subsoil, both onshore and offshore. I would like to go through the foundation part along with the ground structure. There will be lots of challenges during it. I will make a lot of money. I will buy my parents a house and they can rest comfortably in the house without doing any difficult works. They had gone through a lot in order to raise me and my siblings. I can always make a research on the construction practice and its efficiency. It is very crucial because nowadays, the construction is going all over the world.
               There is not a good practice of construction in Nepal though there is construction code. If someone is going to construct high rise buildings or modern structure they need to hire the overseas consultant. In 10 years from now, Nepal will change to a well-developed country. So the facilities here will be more perfect.  Systematic and well managed urban planning will be here.     
               Like I said before, the dream is an ornament which reflects the beauty of a human. It is not wrong. Even if you cannot achieve if, just make it as your vision. Dream leads you to the challenging world. What am I going through now is just the beginning, I am knocking at the door, I am sure one day I will get through it.